作者:彭婉钧 人气:
截至我知识更新的时间点(2023年),安利公司(Amway)的联合创始人理查·狄维士(Richard DeVos)已经去世。理查·狄维士于2018年9月6日去世,享年92岁。他是安利公司的联合创始人之一,与杰·范·安德尔(Jay Van Andel)共同创立了这家公司。安利公司是一家总部位于美国密歇根州的跨国直销公司,主要销售健康、美容和个人护理产品。
理查·狄维士(Richard DeVos)是安利公司(Amway)的联合创始人之一,他与杰·范·安德尔(Jay Van Andel)共同创立了这家全球知名的直销公司。理查·狄维士以其商业智慧和领导力而闻名,他的言论和语录常常被引用,以激励和指导人们。
1. "If you believe in a product and have the support and back-up of the company that has provided it, together with the facility to get the message across, then you can be successful at selling it."
2. "The only thing that stands between a person and what they want in life is the will to try it and the faith to believe it's possible."
3. "The easiest thing to sell is the truth."
4. "Money cannot buy peace of mind. It cannot heal ruptured relationships, or build meaning into a life that has none."
5. "Few things in the world are more powerful than a positive push. A smile. A world of optimism and hope. A 'you can do it' when things are tough."
6. "If you have a dream, give it a chance to happen."
7. "The only place where your dream becomes impossible is in your own thinking."
8. "There are no traffic jams on the extra mile."
9. "The only limits on human achievement are self-imposed."
10. "You can't be a wimp and expect to win."
截至我所知的信息截止日期(2023年),关于“安利全球创办人李丽莉”的详细信息并不明确。安利(Amway)是一家知名的直销公司,其创始人通常被认为是理查·狄维士(Rich DeVos)和杰·范·安德尔(Jay Van Andel)。他们在1959年共同创立了安利公司。