

  • 作者: 向镱文
  • 发布时间:2024-05-07



1. 马赛马拉国家保护区:以其巨大的猫科动物数量和年度角马迁徙而闻名。

2. 安博塞利国家公园:以其与乞力马扎罗山的壮观景色和大量的大象群而闻名。

3. 奈瓦沙湖国家公园:一个鸟类天堂,拥有超过 400 种鸟类,并以其湖泊、沼泽和熔岩景观而闻名。

4. 蔡窝国家公园:以其茂密的森林、丰富的野生动物和瀑布而闻名。

5. 桑布鲁国家公园:以其独特的、以 Samburu 部落命名的景观和野生动物而闻名。

6. 梅鲁国家公园:东非最大的受保护湿地之一,以其多样化的野生动物和风景秀丽的河流而闻名。

7. 基瓦尤国家公园:一个沿海公园,拥有丰富的红树林、海滩和鸟类。

8. 阿布岱尔国家公园:以其独特的半沙漠景观和大量的大象而闻名。

9. 希尔罗梅国家公园:一个湖泊和沼泽的地区,以其大量的鸟类和河流马而闻名。

10. 先祖之地:联合国教科文组织世界遗产,拥有超过 300 个考古遗址,展示了早期的智人祖先。


马赛马拉国家保护区 (Masai Mara National Reserve)

Kenya's most popular national park, the Masai Mara is known for its vast savannas, teeming with wildlife. Lions, elephants, zebras, giraffes, and wildebeests roam the park, making it a prime destination for wildlife enthusiasts. The Great Migration, when millions of wildebeest and zebras cross the Mara River, is a spectacle not to be missed.

安博塞利国家公园 (Amboseli National Park)

Located at the foot of Mount Kilimanjaro, Amboseli National Park is famous for its large herds of elephants. The park offers stunning views of the mountain, which provides a dramatic backdrop for wildlife viewing. Other attractions include open plains, acacia woodlands, and a diverse birdlife.

察沃国家公园 (Tsavo National Park)

Tsavo is Kenya's largest national park, divided into two sections: East and West. The park is home to a wide variety of wildlife, including elephants, lions, cheetahs, leopards, and buffaloes. It is also known for its vast landscapes, including volcanic hills, rivers, and forests.

肯尼亚山国家公园 (Mount Kenya National Park)

Mount Kenya is the second-highest mountain in Africa, and its namesake national park offers breathtaking scenery. The park is home to diverse vegetation zones, from rainforest to alpine desert. Wildlife includes elephants, buffaloes, leopards, and various bird species.

纳库鲁湖国家公园 (Lake Nakuru National Park)

Lake Nakuru is a soda lake known for its large flocks of flamingos. The park also supports a variety of other bird species, including pelicans, cormorants, and egrets. Rhinoceroses, lions, and leopards can also be found within the park.

桑布鲁国家保护区 (Samburu National Reserve)

Samburu is a semi-arid reserve located in northern Kenya. The reserve is home to a unique ecosystem that supports wildlife such as elephants, lions, leopards, cheetahs, and gerenuk antelopes. The Ewaso Nyiro River provides a lifeline for the wildlife and creates a lush riparian habitat.

瓦塔姆海滩 (Watamu Beach)

Watamu is a popular beach destination on Kenya's Indian Ocean coast. The area boasts white-sand beaches, coral reefs, and marine life. Visitors can enjoy swimming, snorkeling, diving, and other water sports.

拉穆岛 (Lamu Island)

Lamu is a UNESCO World Heritage Site known for its ancient Swahili architecture and vibrant culture. The island is car-free, providing a peaceful and relaxed atmosphere. Visitors can explore the narrow streets, traditional houses, and historic mosques.

基苏木帝 (Kisumu Imperial)

Kisumu is Kenya's third-largest city and is located on the shores of Lake Victoria. The city is a major commercial center and offers attractions such as the Kisumu Museum, the Ndere Cultural Centre, and the Dunga Beach.

萨布拉姆 (Sabarimala)

Sabarimala is a Hindu pilgrimage site located in the Western Ghats of Kerala, India. The Sabarimala Temple is dedicated to Lord Ayyappa and is visited by millions of devotees during the annual pilgrimage season. The site is surrounded by dense forests and offers a serene and spiritual atmosphere.


2. 奈瓦沙湖


3. 蒙巴萨老城


4. 马赛马拉国家保护区


5. 安博塞利国家公园


6. 察沃国家公园


7. 图尔卡纳湖


8. 肯尼亚山


9. 瓦塔穆海洋国家公园


10. 东非大裂谷
